07 November 2010


haha , did you the title ? haha . yeah . aku friend dgn someone .
haha , iaitu nur amira awaluddin :D
haha , dulu aku gado gn dea sebab dye jadi informer to zeera but now we already friend . haha
funny kan ? aku saje je g cari blog dea punye url , last2 dapat jugak .
and aku jadi stalker , mase tuh time gadoh , but sekarang tak lagi .
dye add aku and aku pun app jelah kan , hehe . kan dah tanak gado so just forget it the past and start a new life :) . haha , time dye jd informer tuh aku polak jee . haiyoo . menyebok betol , haha . dulu jelah ,hehe
dea tadelah jahat mane pun , hee . she say me stalker terhebat , haha . 
then kitorang pun mulakan sesi perkenalan , haha . apeape jelah you . hehe  .
i hope she not be a backstabber . hehe . woahh jangan woaahh , 

hey blogger friend search and go follow her at http://diarionlinebudaksetan.blogspot.com/
she's nice if you all nice to her . haha !


http://themyraamyghah.blogspot.com ♫♫